September 30, 2011

is it back? is it back?

devilish nightmare
swathes of red paint splotch, bubble
over green speckles

February 24, 2010

An unusual coffe break.

treat o'er country pride,
stirs jibes from dozy papers,
swing by, bring your friends.

February 23, 2010

huffed with fresh cash.

with pulpy earnings
chubby bonuses leave us
gasping and squealing

November 24, 2009

on the thanksgiving plate we have:

mouthfuls of reform,
gnawed, chewed and gnarled over, banks
gasp for digestives

October 22, 2009

i see an unsatisfying optimism.

mawkish cheeryness
masks sombre disappointment,
sell-offs brood, pout, skulk.

October 11, 2009

is it earnings week?

frantic rehearsals
firms sport whistles, bells, plumage;
financial catwalk

October 10, 2009

it has been a while

with dow's little peak,
once more this blog's flame flickers,
bask in the warm glow.

March 19, 2009

always a saga - always.

the plot sickly twists
as dolled dollars harshly lick
away at state tax.

March 17, 2009

Berkshire's letter.

meekness o'er moody
breeds not muffled shyness, but
a likely glossing

March 16, 2009

AIG's bonus stirs the hornets.

treacled bonuses
serve sticky discussion points
for soured government

March 10, 2009

did we just see the bottom?

huffed with bailout cash,
must we learn bright swallows do
not a summer make

March 5, 2009

blushing with plush capital in china.

raising silky fresh,
plan to resew lending
and hem strained fabric.

March 4, 2009

a piece on HF

hedge fund's vanity,
is morosely paraded,
bleached of crisp green mint

returns redden as
cheap debt's veiled truffle unmasks
broiling, greedy snouts

we hope that C makes it. we really do.

hopping, fuming mad;
non-invite to soiled sandbox,
seems ill-advised tread

February 26, 2009

staying stiff thru'out the trauma months.

stern resilience
may require haircut upon
surly upper lip.

February 25, 2009

even we get desperate.

faithful ally time
allows temporary scars
to wane to beauty

February 24, 2009

Northern Trust's spending.

wrist slappers ring-fence
tarp recipient. slippy
pockets don't fly here.

Our first day of bootcamp?

P/E's first stress test,
podgy banks stretch wearily
upon the gym tarp.

February 23, 2009

Back back back in the citi.

sir gov's control might
splice pastry conglomerate
to sequenced bake sales.

February 20, 2009

another sell-off?

cash in calloused hand,
parched indices wither, yearn
liquid ambrosia.

February 18, 2009

can we fade to black?

streaks of thin light prick
cavernous dark; hefty sums
are paid to dim torch.

February 17, 2009

is our abyss amiss

creaky alarms chime,
harsh contour of thorned iceberg
wisps thru' darkened fog.

February 11, 2009

worry lines over treasury schematics.

pulse on bank rescue;
napping canary isn't
pushing daisies yet.

February 10, 2009

a vow to repayment

purse strings are hemmed, hawed,
lips purse o'er citi's recent
freshly minted splurge

February 9, 2009

having the mettle for debate

lively thurst, parry,
as aid's thread is subtly weaved
through rescue's needle.

February 8, 2009

a week for the swiss.

hushed wait in triage,
Q4's wrath is scanned, vetted,
whisked into ER?

February 4, 2009

give back to where it once belonged.

snappy repayment
should be on cards, tarp funding's
salt on a pricked wound

February 2, 2009

more grapes.

first of cursed month,
is it hasty jettison
or clairvoyant wrath?

January 31, 2009

more grey-slated skies in our forecast?

a rattling whisper
grimly hangs onto dark night;
three point eight per cent.

January 30, 2009

trouble for the teary tiered

harvey dent heroes,
consumed by fire's scorched wrath,
return flipped.. two-faced..

January 29, 2009

fewer dollars.

dark thunder's rival,
do we see a sulking herd
fume at ubs.

January 27, 2009

ppl don't approve of teh haX.

a clique of tongues click,
clack over deutche bank's Ack,
his risk taking's slack

is PFE one last hurrah?

hyper-merge nears close,
a downturn's fee glut helps banks
cling on for dear life

January 22, 2009

flies in your oinkment?

outs and oust for thain,
does kenneth's buy fondly oink
like pigs in a poke.

January 21, 2009


cheap or not so cheap,
do we see a graceful glide
towards fat bailout?

January 20, 2009

Goodness! What happened today???

putting in new prez;
a call for financial arms
stumbles through wall street.

January 15, 2009

alarms for hsbc?

when those dear pallies,
flag markets with drummed sighs, you're
prey to their sulking.

January 14, 2009

helicoptering mo' cash for BofA

digestion pains rise,
but truth be told t'was fo' sho'
harsh pill to swallow

January 13, 2009

little sales for AIG.

weights are tipped with care,
fulcrum strains ever so hard
to balance see-saw.

January 12, 2009

a corner is turned.

black financial ram
scorns ewe BS, pray this year
has greener pasture.

January 9, 2009

MS' interesting discussion for the weekend.

a hasty scramble;
to inhale plump brokerage
or huff over price

January 7, 2009

when will the recession leave us?

long night's hangover,
slouched on by hair of the dog
may still dizzy us.

January 5, 2009

deutsche enters the jumping castle.

pitter pattered feet,
strike up clear white grains on a
lovely sandy beach.

January 3, 2009

blergh, why'd we fall for bern

familiar flirt,
a love of small, kindly gains,
breeds strong malcontent

a fresh 09

old horrorscopes cast;
consumating promises,
swelling balance sheets

December 24, 2008

trying to start uhhh-fresh.

for a fresh oh nine,
citi smooths dimpled wrinkles
off shiny new dress.

December 18, 2008

fresh presents for your xmas tree

self-written issue,
gets jammed in before new year,
pray it shall be our last.

Where is my helicopter man.

policy on hand
worth more than a chopper's drop;
deflation hovers.

December 16, 2008

unclear of core fees?
undisciplined principals?
chillax, they're still cool.

You'd downgrade your own pal huh?

wholesales err for now,
we're asked to avoid, until
fashions kick back in.

December 11, 2008

GS changing retirements mebbe.

cuddly nest egg yanked,
ever so slightly away
from the toiler's clutch.

December 10, 2008

fancy that - unhappy with the bailout.

snarling flame uncurls,
wrath seethes from the dragon's den,
such is lawyer's scorn

a bailout half dished,
certainly ain't rumour-squished,
we're just plain afraid.

gearing up for 09 mayhaps - MS

while second may foist
quiet screams, investor hell,
least it wasn't third.

December 9, 2008

maudlin poeticfullness over exec comp.

rowdy ocean tides,
are scorched thunder to timid
ripples of payouts.

a squeaked request asked,
is turned asunder aghast,
loose change i can't spare.

surely not the last grave dance.

a limping gazelle
slows; silent screams shatter cold,
a brittle death looms.

December 5, 2008

continuing a theme..

that oft seen nadir,
warps further from squinting eyes,
jobs are scarce, sought, longed.

MER okays.

awkward acquiese
draws to voting close, farewelled
scrips are clutched fondly.

December 4, 2008

sombre news for staff.

handy swiss scapel,
solemly pierces staff count.
a dull stethoscope,

quivers longingly
over soft earnings, hopeful
of steady heartbeat.

December 3, 2008

1st past the PE lay-off post.

healthy dose of booz,
knocks in clanging hangover,
as workers are peeled.

Skyway to Heaven, and now parking meters.

clink by clink, windy city
runs well-oiled machine.

facing a loss. goldilocks gets snitched.

a papered loss sulks,
raged eyes rue oft-loved, now stained
colour of money.

November 26, 2008

metals soften.

foisted hot rolled steel,
faces mettle task, shrinking
demand cools ma'anshan.

November 24, 2008

the piper of GS

a darting lemming,
shyly offers issuance;
a sly, coaxing fox.

November 23, 2008

Having a weekend chat with the feds.

underbelly sinks,
snarling lava pit spits, fumes,
c quivers, shudders.

unsettled angers
seek calm; absorption of losses
ain't lozenge enough.

November 19, 2008

A bite of big Mac

with canny poise, squeaked
leverage wobbles see-saw,
unfairly perhaps

hints of grey cygnets,
cloud sombre market tantrums;
terra calma yearned.

November 18, 2008

the sting of stingy

mid-east flight stirs buzz,
hornets of investors glare
at diluted hive.

November 17, 2008

C of job cuts

merry-go-round twists,
jobs are jettisoned, stable
orbit is longed, sought..

November 14, 2008

squawking over billions in monies.

tarp allocation,
weaves raspy money thread thru'
nation's home fabric

November 13, 2008

Fund Mangers and restrictions.

broods of reps huddle,
a rookerie of black crows
narrows wary eyes,

struggles brew dark smoke,
claws like scythes, they parry, scratch
o'er regulation.

pundits put pressure on.. err...

unwelcome scorn, digs
trenches of furrowed thought, rock
steady now baby

MS experiences an evolution

MS universe
crunches from bubble; rejig
void furrows concern

We aren't buying that anymore...

retreat from purchase,
signals rook-stumble, as hank
realigns chess board.

November 11, 2008

nothing wrong with GS-1701

starship enterprise,
speeds through aethered space, despite
quantum time bubble

November 10, 2008

hunting.. hunting.. hunting..

looking for chow mein,
wach got quite mutilated,
werewolves prowl again

November 7, 2008

Oil nears recession price?

a twist for black gold;
oil rises & slinks away,
spooked by dark specter

November 6, 2008

MS' thoughts on GS' thoughts

when you flap mid-flight,
you take your pally cygnet,
with you on the dive.

threading a rate cut thru a needling recession.

unsewing bank purse;
threadneedle snips, untwining
central bank's sinews

November 5, 2008

Wells Fargo collecting monies.

stock raises haute couture;
parading on catwalks with
balance sheets to match.

November 4, 2008

UBS money outflows slowing.

swiss gauze helps fix holes,
reversal of withdrawals
becomes a new hope.

November 3, 2008

uncertainty over goldies..

first past the post posts
first of losses post bailout
perhaps; last we hope.

November 1, 2008

what a month..

ending uptick-ish
we remember november,
fireworks on fifth.

October 31, 2008

what rule??

accounting hopscotch
allows deutsche to kindle
fond, positive mind.

October 29, 2008

VW - long and short quantum-tunneling.

white rabbits appear,
courting black swans as vdub
anomalies, blurt.

October 28, 2008

fireworks for the DOW.

stocks waltz side by side,
with indian summer, as
diwali shines bright.

October 27, 2008

MUFJ: fixing the hole where the rain gets in.

from summ we spring back,
leaky holes peek through dried mud.
levee stands, awkward.

October 24, 2008

little goldies searches for a tailwind.

human capital
mimics shadow anchor, as
schooner tiffs rough seas.

October 23, 2008

greenspan's hindsight foresight oversight

clustered scorn targets
alan; lack of sight is ill-
-afforded comfort.

Club Mac shuffles board.

will promised shake-ups,
simply rob the mac party
of paltry loose change.

October 21, 2008

credit swishhhhhh

warmth of private funds,
heals a sneezing patient, at
least they weren't bailed out.

October 20, 2008

the peak before the dippery slip?

pleased by a new hope,
dow sails, but wary murmurs
of unsettled swaps.

October 19, 2008

pledging in south korea

ghoulish bank faces,
void of colour, capital,
apply gov. ointments

October 17, 2008

showering money.

hank plays god, thrusting
warm fronts into chilled credit,
yet it still rains, pours.

a satisfilling stock meal.

as artic winds blow,
buffett cherrypicks goodies
from open larder.

October 16, 2008


swiss kebab lent to
drunken giant, but troll grinds
his own bones to bread.

October 15, 2008

Sour economic outlook

poetic TARP preached
heady jargon, confidence...
how markets forget!

investigating WaMu

running toothed combs, o'er
porous balance sheets, beware
judicial friction.

How does one maintain a stock rally.

amid fireworks,
after-splutters fade quickly,
shushed with timid crisp.

Putting capital to work.

as ass takes carrot
whip's efficacy softens;
stern words are soft fluff

October 13, 2008

once up on a monday.

plush capital stirs,
dow rises to dizzy gaits,
sipping cool green breeze.

Good day for the dow, but is it a TARP!?!?

squealing pleas, seek joys
of managing megaCASH;
announcement tuesday

October 10, 2008

Secular bake sale for bank stakes.

druid hank brews potion
to beef up weakened sectors;
magic getafix.

MS - rate cuts amongst other worries.

having seen sunk ships,
one with teetering faith drops
anchor in mined seas.

October 8, 2008

Co-ordinated Rate Cuts - what of good signals eh?

flocks of rate slashes,
as central banks aim phalanx
at dammed up credit

confidence effects
stay mixed, uncertain, wary,
as dow meekly dips.

adding additional aig addity.

fed's funding dollop,
darts awkwardly, tickles, flirts,
strains the oft-strained purse.

October 7, 2008

Fed walking in Commercial Paper Wonderland.

whilst traipsing amongst
bakeries of companies,
fed whiffs foul pastries

announcing anon,
bad yeast begone, dear fed shoves
hands in all the pies.

October 6, 2008

tread lightly over false mud.

World of quicksand, where
domino capitalists
sink, squelch together

Fuld and LEH grizzled

Capitol queries,
leave fuld steaming over spoilt
kettle of leh-fish.

October 3, 2008

nitpicking re: over dibs on Wachovia

haggles and loopholes,
allow wells' surge to pip
citi at white tape.

Crises in the colleges.

squabbling endowments,
thrust money worries into
the life of the mind.

October 2, 2008

WaMu JPM, absorption and sublimation?

financial lighthouse,
spoils refuge for lost ship, as
officers walk plank.

October 1, 2008

Murder Murder 17th October

resolution is
urged, as sheathed short selling scythes
wriggle, unholster.

Have we got juice for tomorrrow's DOW?

ticked bailout becomes
tomorrow's adrenalin,
but will it pass house?

September 30, 2008

UBS to eliminate more jobs. Dearie me.

sweltering summer,
prompts headshave as nipped profits,
sting troubled haircut

September 29, 2008

Bailout metaphors eh?

unapproved bill flits,
raked like decaying rubbish,
flanked by balking yaps

Android users of the world unite to downgrade AAPL, I wish..

gourmet chefs sulk as
once prized apple profit pie,
is forbidden fruit.

Citi buys Wachovia

Wedding season's on,
fads of brokered marriages
blessed by fed (up) priest.

Bailout bill not passed (but did i misspeak?)

hope embers smothered,
congress halts banks from doshing
goldman parachutes.

September 25, 2008

A rolling JP gathers no moss.

crumbling loan giant,
furnished with glossy fed paint,
is brokered away

More negotiations re: bailout

clucking and scratching,
a hen's nest struggles to cope
with foxy egg theif

September 24, 2008

Sometimes a haiku is just an opinion.

spent hours with ben/hank,
I think their lookalikes are
Sith Lord / Obi Wan.

Bush addresses the nation on..

wary section eight,
three dossiered pages seek
absolute power.

September 23, 2008

A capital raising buffet.

new bank debutant
and buffet's tasty carrot;
rubs lemmings with glee.

justifying bailouts!!!!!!

in kindling dear flames
of credit and growth's soft love,
ben pleads: BILLIONS

September 22, 2008

Financial war of choice you say?

taxpayer tapppouts,
tapdance on thinly twined threads.
twitching and turning.

Guard of honour for our final 2 veterans

hamstrung warriors,
ripple soft into sea of
commercial bankdom

September 20, 2008

MS still in talks?

storm's lustful wrath nears,
fallen angel courts morsels
of time's precious gift

soon to be released,
shackled claws of naked shorts,
crave financial blood

come near october,
shall rapacious borrows sink,
once reinforced hulls.

September 19, 2008

Holding bad debts in one place.

perceived saviour fund,
shall conceive recovery,
through longed trickle-down

September 18, 2008

a why question?

a wrong choiced dessert,
deserves four years of stale soup,
but where's RECESSION?

September 17, 2008

More banking mergers to come?

short selling hacks pluck
brokerage feathers, wall street
plumage sheds, molts, thins

such simple power
tickles market fancy; banks
are spit like sour milk

September 16, 2008

AIG's rescue

wobbly axiom,
acts as scattergun saviour,
with staggering loans.

September 15, 2008

recycling a sad oldie..

wall street is grey slate,
and will be for six more months,
just like my cold heart.

a modest mouse squeaks; makes things right.

we have one more chance,
i've seen many ships sail in,
but this beaut's the one.

a game of chicken

dangerous gambit;
dealt moral hazard card sparks
collapse, bargain, strife.

September 13, 2008

A lamentful LEH sonnet

No tears of solace shall soothe my heart's burn. A hauntingly sober life without you shall no doubt give me more lessons than few to learn. Could this parched summer really, truly end with the collapse of two?

Our love's complex sickles of debt crafting,
Were silky green streams; charmed, meshed instruments,
I never thought that you needed fixing,
But stung wounds were market's impediments.

I demand most sweet favour of our Fed,
Your rescue; but alas their wrinkled ears,
may fall deaf to my imploring pleas, dread!
The disgust of it all, runs sparked by fears.

Was your silence for my sins your downfall,
My selfishness eroded credit thin,
Yet you asked them for faith, as after all,
Tears are but a stretch, marked on surface skin.

Your lascivious grace I'm loathe to miss,
Dare I hope you shall receive, foreign kiss.

September 12, 2008

Barclays eyeing Wall Street?

thwarted dutch gambit,
may spark leeward lurch toward
merry U.S. shores.

September 11, 2008

Delays for the tankers.

threats ransom prized time;
monopoly's lurk uncurls
the greater evil.

choppy sea for C

exposured eyes squint,
as sleet falls sharp, knifing through
porous balance sheet

September 10, 2008

oil output @ opec.

chub-hands squeeze pipeline;
mild weather's excuse - slowdown?
sigh... oiled ^smoke^ mirrors

September 9, 2008

Mac's look'n around

asked mum for a dime,
but she found them twelve nickels,
spare change yearns purchase.

September 8, 2008

Guess who the gov's bringing to dinner

debt-flu season's here,
will gov catch fannie/freddie's
accounting buglett

September 5, 2008

JP's opt'n out.

printed death letter,
the swaps you love are dead, gone.
greyed muni tombstone

Wall Street's new vogue

An agile gymnast,
somersaults with half pikes but
alas, lands on splits.

September 3, 2008

A lovely Coke ornament.

accretive? maybe..
perhaps worth the full control
of a chinese pearl.

The Banks' Transfer Window: end of the emergency funding plan perhaps?

banks lie in triage,
cheap gauze bleeds dry; panacea
swaps are running out.

Eye on the New York Times

he slyly coaxes
our beseeching eyes toward
his plumage of print.

September 2, 2008

analyst downgrades are in season.

raspy string snipping,
will morgan marionette
have her x-mas play?

A regulator's guile

sly heracles thinks,
"i shall place sky back upon
swiss atlas shoulders."

August 29, 2008

cuts for LEH

as gasps of summer,
sip away to a parched fall,
glass looks half empty

moody pay cycles,
leave strained, bloodshot eyes batting
over classifieds.

August 27, 2008

sorry, did you say $825?

in times of hurt, strife,
a golden goose affirms your
weight in its nest egg.

August 26, 2008

Global Macro you say?

that oafish stumbling
draws more cash; we hope piglettes
snuff truffle havens.

miners free from surface nukes

under charred lava,
rock of all ages stands tall,
strutting shiny glint

August 21, 2008

MS' Q3.

messy balance sheets,
but mostly a well made bed
for you to lie in.

August 18, 2008

Fine line for fine cheese.

cubelettes in the fridge,
as one ripens into brie,
is there stenched gruyere?

August 15, 2008

Credit Squished

uncovered rogue puts,
called upon by the coppers,
loose cash in coffers.

August 14, 2008

Hiring fre-e-e-e-z-e

Spotlight on Merril,
under siege by Mr. Freeze,
where us our dark night?

Leh's assets? Where they at?

in market trust games,
fire-sales and asset hawks,
quick fix? promise? please?

August 13, 2008

Cerberus & Carlyle, market dislocation heroes?

wise fee architects,
shove sleeves of debt into slough;
pray against pot-holes,

post-wheel, through disuse,
they hope foreign path nigh used,
cements their returns.

Singapore: beauty or beastly?

asia debutant,
kindles soft flame, but swiss see
her scorched, arid peau.

August 12, 2008

the right place becomes the wrong time.

the crowned gargoyle perch
is nipped, hacked. slim ratings see,
drought for winged wonder.

August 11, 2008

wary clients of UBS

trapped in a sand bar,
grain tickles the galoshes;
sucked out. swatted clean.

Offer Mer, Offer MS

ghost of xmas past,
here at this new york present,
to buy back our gift.

August 9, 2008

DB foreclosures..

troubled loan default,
will they hang on for dear life,
or notch a quick sale?

August 7, 2008

August 6, 2008

free-falling freddie

waits did say its best,
miss analyst estimate,
the stock doth tanketh.

assurance at face value

toxic, noxious, filth,
words to describe queasy debt,
cometh mac, insure!

July 30, 2008

Lazard, a shiner!

maybe the advice,
without sloshes of sweet debt,
is just, rather, good.

A grumpy Moody

blame game commences,
its just like grade inflation,
but with your money.

July 29, 2008

moves to offload

a prized, bronzed swimmer,
struggles to remain afloat,
at twenty two cents

July 28, 2008

KKR Public?? Almost..

a sleuthlike listing,
shall not evade slacks of scorn,
smiles and scrutiny

July 26, 2008

re: jan 6 hedge funds. we love them through thick and thin

plucky pension plans,
pledge penny promises, all
is love and caring.

global macro sought,
or buy-side, or short & sulk,
dawdle away sirs.

is this the nadir?

funny how some folks,
at precipice's edge, spot
the bottomless dark.

July 23, 2008

hope A-B shan't be missed

commodity strains,
pricey fuel and costly grains,
soldier on, slake us.

July 22, 2008

stay on your feet, here comes the Regulator's Obstacle Course

a strong gpa,
but the swiss master might still
give him detention.

crunch down under

a slight nip of news,
nothing wrong with our sinews,
profit we might lose.

July 21, 2008

The conspirer's stalking horse has emerged.

mere advisory?
a leave of absence? will they
screech "nepotism?"

finance woes simmer;
masking a fast emerging
omnivoice. goldmen.

a moth eaten incumbency?

neither here nor there,
some would say its only fair,
hold hands, kiss, make up.

July 20, 2008

was it all enlightenment hubris before the dark times?

the fourth straight for third,
funny how relative news,
shines signs of good health.

July 19, 2008

zing! demoted.

years of green feasting,
undone by a few bank runs,
unlucky downgrade

May 1, 2008

13,000 and climbing?

that which is spoken,
assuages hungry mouth,
dow's harvest is due.

April 28, 2008

Mars chomps up Wrigleys?

adding chewing gum,
to sticky toffee pudding.
Time to seek dentist.

mouthwatering arbitrage theory?

with oodles of shorts,
are days numbered? uncovered?
Matador seeks bull.

April 25, 2008

Start of a vernal bond market season?

after months of buzz,
have the bond beehives fashioned,
suckled honeycomb?

April 24, 2008

having the measure of crosstown rivals

a porous pocket,
serves a better purpose than,
a leaky bank vault.

April 18, 2008

Awaiting Merrill's restrained resurgence

their ticked tonsils,
vomit up jobs, as they hope
for a fit summer.

Citi: $ loss, job loss.

sullen moods, except
accepted ineptitude,
as one expected.

April 15, 2008

Pretty Dress for a New Infrastructure Debutant

Goldies fly Mach 2.
Will economy's yaws, rolls,
affect safe cashflows?

April 14, 2008


merger in the skies,
parched, oilless landscape below,
stench of a downturn

April 11, 2008

scared-white xmas for the fed this year?

as chilled blasts return,
lehman hides its gift, under
the Fed x-mas tree

Soup for Paulson's goldilocks

fears of im-prosper,
just tripped up our golden snitch,
cuddle your nest egg

April 8, 2008

a paradoxical science

as the weather sweats,
economy treads thin ice,
thoughts of a chilled doom.

boarding school for the debt-babies

shunting debt upon
those with once-smarmy coffers,
be back next summer.

April 4, 2008

Annuling a once-healthy relationship

our snappy gator
grows too large and eats too much,
flush it down the drain!

April 3, 2008

extending liquidity to the titanic

lifejacket loans splash,
among financial icebergs,
light attracts 'tension.

March 27, 2008

l33t Hunter acquires new pets.

welcome additions
to Tata's menagerie:
Jaguar, Rover.

swallowing the Bear Necessities

gulping digestive
poison pills, whilst clutching at
runaway sirloins.

March 26, 2008

another one bites the dust

iced credit markets,
rapaciously sink one more;
clear channel skates thin.

a bit of old gold re: Yahoo & monetising Liberia

how to slink your golden goose,
across the table.

bank run or coincidence?

reading the tea leaves?
coerced by nostradamus?
bear hung out to dry..

March 25, 2008

never mind the recession

maudlin medicare,
sunk social security,
poor starving kiddies.

who's on first?

with revised offers,
they're bidding against themselves,
no clear winner huh?

March 24, 2008

March 23, 2008

a generally poor standard

leaking putty pipes,
to me at least scream "good fix,"
not SNP though.

Spring Break: the sunny sky injection of unproductive adrenalin

with a royal link,
easy access to chests of
Gold, who needs Bear Stearns?

March 11, 2008

reconvening of the tuesday morning sewing circle

old dogs pray caution,
while young terriers yap on,
"no recession yet.."

March 10, 2008

Club Mac

unfettered by crunch,
a lovely feta matures,
with bold, luscious taste.

March 8, 2008

unforbidden fruits of communication.

in search of lost souls,
locked amidst deathly grapples,
blackberries? apples?

March 7, 2008

back rubs and dole collections

Unexpected loss,
jettisoned jobs, scuttled ships,
banks don life jackets.

March 6, 2008

more stamping and huffing b/w boeing, airbus and co.

cournot bickerings,
o'er which state nicks oil pennies,
ne'er mind the tankers.

back to the financial playground... but the seesaw is broken

as pinched noose strangles,
neglected margins are missed,
the grim reaper lurks.

February 26, 2008

CDOs to VIEs: loaded acronym firearms.

the bullet dodgers,
having eyed up the rifles,
now face the muskets.

February 25, 2008

the visa ipo

amidst market chow
and choux-pastry promise, look:
largest eclair ever!

February 22, 2008

heating up our old hedge fund flames.

a pinch of sweet snuff,
gave us the ultimate high.
now seized. more seizure.

February 21, 2008

Fears for the economy.

killed the cretan bull,
still hath fair heracles done
his twelve labours well.

February 20, 2008

February 19, 2008

What if Sting never managed to convince Roxanne?

Thought it was good news,
but she has donned her red light;
and put on make up.

still playing minesweeper.

lehman's year thus far,
earns dodgeball crown, but still they're
on the isle of wight.

February 15, 2008

How do you think he does it?

never tilts at all,
he always gets a replay,
king of silver ball.

February 14, 2008

a tale of swiss fortunes.

while one lost its watch,
the other smirked, having pawned
a small prized cuckoo.

we're still at school, so we had to take a break for midterms.

it is. but trust us, don't throw
your toys out just yet.

February 5, 2008

A German invasion of New York

if blitzkrieg don't work,
fork out a yankee loan and
wait for botched refi.

February 4, 2008

ICBC #1 by Market Cap

a new world order,
chinese piglet babes are the
darling prizewinners.

MS' epic powerlevelling!

when your pally gets
his hand in the biscuit tin,
you downgrade his ass!

January 31, 2008

never a fair price

countrywide's tasty
carrot, tempts the labouring
american ass.

no trader is mutually excluded.

whilst chilling with the
trader joes, our fed also
made new friends today!

January 30, 2008

more rate-cut news.

sharp lines are drawn, to
steer the drunkard horse, toward

January 28, 2008

there's an episode of the three stooges that comes to mind.

grease up the engine,
abdication of prudence,
financial soros

the last state of the union.

going to bollocks?
Out with fiscal prudence, I
want my money NOW!!

no more alliance with blackstone?

a dropped buyout leaves
blackstone in outpatient ward,
passing kidney stone

January 25, 2008


English opening,
zugzwang, scotch-geordie gambit,
mate by euro blitz

SG troubles.

Chateau Vertheflore:
ventures into barings strait,
brought a chilly doom

January 23, 2008

Further boosting of capital

citi's new meal plan:
fastrack to freshman 15?
investors hope so..

does creditsquish fancy picnic baskets?

lucy rushed toward
the swing set: "Guess who I saw
making out today?"

January 21, 2008

from a weather haiku friend.

a pugnacious rip,
the scythe of recession looms,
cometh the cold lust.

credit goes to Dan S. for this one:

wall street is grey slate,
and will be for six more months,
just like my cold heart.

January 17, 2008

election year recession?

a spoonful of whey,
shapes pudgy economy
into firm muscle?

fishing from the other side

as the men in boats
twitched at the slightest of tugs,
they drew sunken boots..

a conspiracy?!?
who told Goldies that fish bite,
off the other side

January 13, 2008

January 10, 2008

re: Bank of America and Countrywide

amongst good whisper,
we hear admiral ackbar's
guffaw: "its a traaaaaaaaaaaaaap"

a haiku-couplet?

perky piglet snouts,
slick hunters of street truffle,
tickled by fresh scent

amid barren debt,
will this lush crop yield forth a:
vernal Blackstone spring?

January 9, 2008

Calpers: turning slivers into silver linings

a ten percent stake,
saved fees, a public listing?
sowing a shrewd seed.

Are investors fleeing to gold?

gold: lustily high,
almost nine hundred. Junk bonds
will be the new bling!

January 8, 2008

Tread carefully.

Banks seek foreign aid,
shore up dykes with capital,
levee's gonna break!

Is there a fire sale for the Rock?

Nor'n on the rocks,
shaken, not stirred, with a twist.
Just four hundred pence

Star needs big bucks!

he screeched "MY LATTE!"
time to reinvent the bean,
Schultz is back in town.

January 6, 2008

5 alarm hedge fund

Their oafish dawdles,
to us are merry gambols,
swoon for them we will.

An arhythmic sonnet for Mr. Bernanke

Inside Eccles; they surmise, calculate, our hardship, the quiver of recession. Inflation’s pungency they postulate, will a cut of .5 show compassion?

Christmas shoppers to their beseeching eyes
Swell the tills, as aides to scanty credit,
A monster that through hubris we surmise
Left many a lender holding debit

Not today, nor later will a write-down,
Fully expose as a fiend of wall street
For now they will only seek to confound
They are hidden demons, fickle and fleet

The twine of Bernanke’s tightrope snarls, tears,
The woes of inflation and weaker sales
Guide us to Hades’ market of bears
Will he conjure famine from whence glut hails?

Pray Ben be cautious to our sentiment
Hack with your cleaver, let the heir repent

January 4, 2008

$$$$ Fed Auctions

emergency loans,
come and get them while they're hot,
sixty BILLION!

Insider Trading

Five years in prison,
He nicked Business Week copies,
no more expensed meals

Hope for the dollar?

lumbering greenback;
canadians in new york,
pray for the trade wind

January 3, 2008

The western child longs for its oil-mother

Parched lips lament. As
violence thrusts the oil teat,
past hundred. Dismay!