January 31, 2008

never a fair price

countrywide's tasty
carrot, tempts the labouring
american ass.

no trader is mutually excluded.

whilst chilling with the
trader joes, our fed also
made new friends today!

January 30, 2008

more rate-cut news.

sharp lines are drawn, to
steer the drunkard horse, toward

January 28, 2008

there's an episode of the three stooges that comes to mind.

grease up the engine,
abdication of prudence,
financial soros

the last state of the union.

going to bollocks?
Out with fiscal prudence, I
want my money NOW!!

no more alliance with blackstone?

a dropped buyout leaves
blackstone in outpatient ward,
passing kidney stone

January 25, 2008


English opening,
zugzwang, scotch-geordie gambit,
mate by euro blitz

SG troubles.

Chateau Vertheflore:
ventures into barings strait,
brought a chilly doom

January 23, 2008

Further boosting of capital

citi's new meal plan:
fastrack to freshman 15?
investors hope so..

does creditsquish fancy picnic baskets?

lucy rushed toward
the swing set: "Guess who I saw
making out today?"

January 21, 2008

from a weather haiku friend.

a pugnacious rip,
the scythe of recession looms,
cometh the cold lust.

credit goes to Dan S. for this one:

wall street is grey slate,
and will be for six more months,
just like my cold heart.

January 17, 2008

election year recession?

a spoonful of whey,
shapes pudgy economy
into firm muscle?

fishing from the other side

as the men in boats
twitched at the slightest of tugs,
they drew sunken boots..

a conspiracy?!?
who told Goldies that fish bite,
off the other side

January 13, 2008

January 10, 2008

re: Bank of America and Countrywide

amongst good whisper,
we hear admiral ackbar's
guffaw: "its a traaaaaaaaaaaaaap"

a haiku-couplet?

perky piglet snouts,
slick hunters of street truffle,
tickled by fresh scent

amid barren debt,
will this lush crop yield forth a:
vernal Blackstone spring?

January 9, 2008

Calpers: turning slivers into silver linings

a ten percent stake,
saved fees, a public listing?
sowing a shrewd seed.

Are investors fleeing to gold?

gold: lustily high,
almost nine hundred. Junk bonds
will be the new bling!

January 8, 2008

Tread carefully.

Banks seek foreign aid,
shore up dykes with capital,
levee's gonna break!

Is there a fire sale for the Rock?

Nor'n on the rocks,
shaken, not stirred, with a twist.
Just four hundred pence

Star needs big bucks!

he screeched "MY LATTE!"
time to reinvent the bean,
Schultz is back in town.

January 6, 2008

5 alarm hedge fund

Their oafish dawdles,
to us are merry gambols,
swoon for them we will.

An arhythmic sonnet for Mr. Bernanke

Inside Eccles; they surmise, calculate, our hardship, the quiver of recession. Inflation’s pungency they postulate, will a cut of .5 show compassion?

Christmas shoppers to their beseeching eyes
Swell the tills, as aides to scanty credit,
A monster that through hubris we surmise
Left many a lender holding debit

Not today, nor later will a write-down,
Fully expose as a fiend of wall street
For now they will only seek to confound
They are hidden demons, fickle and fleet

The twine of Bernanke’s tightrope snarls, tears,
The woes of inflation and weaker sales
Guide us to Hades’ market of bears
Will he conjure famine from whence glut hails?

Pray Ben be cautious to our sentiment
Hack with your cleaver, let the heir repent

January 4, 2008

$$$$ Fed Auctions

emergency loans,
come and get them while they're hot,
sixty BILLION!

Insider Trading

Five years in prison,
He nicked Business Week copies,
no more expensed meals

Hope for the dollar?

lumbering greenback;
canadians in new york,
pray for the trade wind

January 3, 2008

The western child longs for its oil-mother

Parched lips lament. As
violence thrusts the oil teat,
past hundred. Dismay!