March 27, 2008

l33t Hunter acquires new pets.

welcome additions
to Tata's menagerie:
Jaguar, Rover.

swallowing the Bear Necessities

gulping digestive
poison pills, whilst clutching at
runaway sirloins.

March 26, 2008

another one bites the dust

iced credit markets,
rapaciously sink one more;
clear channel skates thin.

a bit of old gold re: Yahoo & monetising Liberia

how to slink your golden goose,
across the table.

bank run or coincidence?

reading the tea leaves?
coerced by nostradamus?
bear hung out to dry..

March 25, 2008

never mind the recession

maudlin medicare,
sunk social security,
poor starving kiddies.

who's on first?

with revised offers,
they're bidding against themselves,
no clear winner huh?

March 24, 2008

March 23, 2008

a generally poor standard

leaking putty pipes,
to me at least scream "good fix,"
not SNP though.

Spring Break: the sunny sky injection of unproductive adrenalin

with a royal link,
easy access to chests of
Gold, who needs Bear Stearns?

March 11, 2008

reconvening of the tuesday morning sewing circle

old dogs pray caution,
while young terriers yap on,
"no recession yet.."

March 10, 2008

Club Mac

unfettered by crunch,
a lovely feta matures,
with bold, luscious taste.

March 8, 2008

unforbidden fruits of communication.

in search of lost souls,
locked amidst deathly grapples,
blackberries? apples?

March 7, 2008

back rubs and dole collections

Unexpected loss,
jettisoned jobs, scuttled ships,
banks don life jackets.

March 6, 2008

more stamping and huffing b/w boeing, airbus and co.

cournot bickerings,
o'er which state nicks oil pennies,
ne'er mind the tankers.

back to the financial playground... but the seesaw is broken

as pinched noose strangles,
neglected margins are missed,
the grim reaper lurks.