September 30, 2008

UBS to eliminate more jobs. Dearie me.

sweltering summer,
prompts headshave as nipped profits,
sting troubled haircut

September 29, 2008

Bailout metaphors eh?

unapproved bill flits,
raked like decaying rubbish,
flanked by balking yaps

Android users of the world unite to downgrade AAPL, I wish..

gourmet chefs sulk as
once prized apple profit pie,
is forbidden fruit.

Citi buys Wachovia

Wedding season's on,
fads of brokered marriages
blessed by fed (up) priest.

Bailout bill not passed (but did i misspeak?)

hope embers smothered,
congress halts banks from doshing
goldman parachutes.

September 25, 2008

A rolling JP gathers no moss.

crumbling loan giant,
furnished with glossy fed paint,
is brokered away

More negotiations re: bailout

clucking and scratching,
a hen's nest struggles to cope
with foxy egg theif

September 24, 2008

Sometimes a haiku is just an opinion.

spent hours with ben/hank,
I think their lookalikes are
Sith Lord / Obi Wan.

Bush addresses the nation on..

wary section eight,
three dossiered pages seek
absolute power.

September 23, 2008

A capital raising buffet.

new bank debutant
and buffet's tasty carrot;
rubs lemmings with glee.

justifying bailouts!!!!!!

in kindling dear flames
of credit and growth's soft love,
ben pleads: BILLIONS

September 22, 2008

Financial war of choice you say?

taxpayer tapppouts,
tapdance on thinly twined threads.
twitching and turning.

Guard of honour for our final 2 veterans

hamstrung warriors,
ripple soft into sea of
commercial bankdom

September 20, 2008

MS still in talks?

storm's lustful wrath nears,
fallen angel courts morsels
of time's precious gift

soon to be released,
shackled claws of naked shorts,
crave financial blood

come near october,
shall rapacious borrows sink,
once reinforced hulls.

September 19, 2008

Holding bad debts in one place.

perceived saviour fund,
shall conceive recovery,
through longed trickle-down

September 18, 2008

a why question?

a wrong choiced dessert,
deserves four years of stale soup,
but where's RECESSION?

September 17, 2008

More banking mergers to come?

short selling hacks pluck
brokerage feathers, wall street
plumage sheds, molts, thins

such simple power
tickles market fancy; banks
are spit like sour milk

September 16, 2008

AIG's rescue

wobbly axiom,
acts as scattergun saviour,
with staggering loans.

September 15, 2008

recycling a sad oldie..

wall street is grey slate,
and will be for six more months,
just like my cold heart.

a modest mouse squeaks; makes things right.

we have one more chance,
i've seen many ships sail in,
but this beaut's the one.

a game of chicken

dangerous gambit;
dealt moral hazard card sparks
collapse, bargain, strife.

September 13, 2008

A lamentful LEH sonnet

No tears of solace shall soothe my heart's burn. A hauntingly sober life without you shall no doubt give me more lessons than few to learn. Could this parched summer really, truly end with the collapse of two?

Our love's complex sickles of debt crafting,
Were silky green streams; charmed, meshed instruments,
I never thought that you needed fixing,
But stung wounds were market's impediments.

I demand most sweet favour of our Fed,
Your rescue; but alas their wrinkled ears,
may fall deaf to my imploring pleas, dread!
The disgust of it all, runs sparked by fears.

Was your silence for my sins your downfall,
My selfishness eroded credit thin,
Yet you asked them for faith, as after all,
Tears are but a stretch, marked on surface skin.

Your lascivious grace I'm loathe to miss,
Dare I hope you shall receive, foreign kiss.

September 12, 2008

Barclays eyeing Wall Street?

thwarted dutch gambit,
may spark leeward lurch toward
merry U.S. shores.

September 11, 2008

Delays for the tankers.

threats ransom prized time;
monopoly's lurk uncurls
the greater evil.

choppy sea for C

exposured eyes squint,
as sleet falls sharp, knifing through
porous balance sheet

September 10, 2008

oil output @ opec.

chub-hands squeeze pipeline;
mild weather's excuse - slowdown?
sigh... oiled ^smoke^ mirrors

September 9, 2008

Mac's look'n around

asked mum for a dime,
but she found them twelve nickels,
spare change yearns purchase.

September 8, 2008

Guess who the gov's bringing to dinner

debt-flu season's here,
will gov catch fannie/freddie's
accounting buglett

September 5, 2008

JP's opt'n out.

printed death letter,
the swaps you love are dead, gone.
greyed muni tombstone

Wall Street's new vogue

An agile gymnast,
somersaults with half pikes but
alas, lands on splits.

September 3, 2008

A lovely Coke ornament.

accretive? maybe..
perhaps worth the full control
of a chinese pearl.

The Banks' Transfer Window: end of the emergency funding plan perhaps?

banks lie in triage,
cheap gauze bleeds dry; panacea
swaps are running out.

Eye on the New York Times

he slyly coaxes
our beseeching eyes toward
his plumage of print.

September 2, 2008

analyst downgrades are in season.

raspy string snipping,
will morgan marionette
have her x-mas play?

A regulator's guile

sly heracles thinks,
"i shall place sky back upon
swiss atlas shoulders."