November 24, 2009

on the thanksgiving plate we have:

mouthfuls of reform,
gnawed, chewed and gnarled over, banks
gasp for digestives

October 22, 2009

i see an unsatisfying optimism.

mawkish cheeryness
masks sombre disappointment,
sell-offs brood, pout, skulk.

October 11, 2009

is it earnings week?

frantic rehearsals
firms sport whistles, bells, plumage;
financial catwalk

October 10, 2009

it has been a while

with dow's little peak,
once more this blog's flame flickers,
bask in the warm glow.

March 19, 2009

always a saga - always.

the plot sickly twists
as dolled dollars harshly lick
away at state tax.

March 17, 2009

Berkshire's letter.

meekness o'er moody
breeds not muffled shyness, but
a likely glossing

March 16, 2009

AIG's bonus stirs the hornets.

treacled bonuses
serve sticky discussion points
for soured government

March 10, 2009

did we just see the bottom?

huffed with bailout cash,
must we learn bright swallows do
not a summer make

March 5, 2009

blushing with plush capital in china.

raising silky fresh,
plan to resew lending
and hem strained fabric.

March 4, 2009

a piece on HF

hedge fund's vanity,
is morosely paraded,
bleached of crisp green mint

returns redden as
cheap debt's veiled truffle unmasks
broiling, greedy snouts

we hope that C makes it. we really do.

hopping, fuming mad;
non-invite to soiled sandbox,
seems ill-advised tread

February 26, 2009

staying stiff thru'out the trauma months.

stern resilience
may require haircut upon
surly upper lip.

February 25, 2009

even we get desperate.

faithful ally time
allows temporary scars
to wane to beauty

February 24, 2009

Northern Trust's spending.

wrist slappers ring-fence
tarp recipient. slippy
pockets don't fly here.

Our first day of bootcamp?

P/E's first stress test,
podgy banks stretch wearily
upon the gym tarp.

February 23, 2009

Back back back in the citi.

sir gov's control might
splice pastry conglomerate
to sequenced bake sales.

February 20, 2009

another sell-off?

cash in calloused hand,
parched indices wither, yearn
liquid ambrosia.

February 18, 2009

can we fade to black?

streaks of thin light prick
cavernous dark; hefty sums
are paid to dim torch.

February 17, 2009

is our abyss amiss

creaky alarms chime,
harsh contour of thorned iceberg
wisps thru' darkened fog.

February 11, 2009

worry lines over treasury schematics.

pulse on bank rescue;
napping canary isn't
pushing daisies yet.

February 10, 2009

a vow to repayment

purse strings are hemmed, hawed,
lips purse o'er citi's recent
freshly minted splurge

February 9, 2009

having the mettle for debate

lively thurst, parry,
as aid's thread is subtly weaved
through rescue's needle.

February 8, 2009

a week for the swiss.

hushed wait in triage,
Q4's wrath is scanned, vetted,
whisked into ER?

February 4, 2009

give back to where it once belonged.

snappy repayment
should be on cards, tarp funding's
salt on a pricked wound

February 2, 2009

more grapes.

first of cursed month,
is it hasty jettison
or clairvoyant wrath?

January 31, 2009

more grey-slated skies in our forecast?

a rattling whisper
grimly hangs onto dark night;
three point eight per cent.

January 30, 2009

trouble for the teary tiered

harvey dent heroes,
consumed by fire's scorched wrath,
return flipped.. two-faced..

January 29, 2009

fewer dollars.

dark thunder's rival,
do we see a sulking herd
fume at ubs.

January 27, 2009

ppl don't approve of teh haX.

a clique of tongues click,
clack over deutche bank's Ack,
his risk taking's slack

is PFE one last hurrah?

hyper-merge nears close,
a downturn's fee glut helps banks
cling on for dear life

January 22, 2009

flies in your oinkment?

outs and oust for thain,
does kenneth's buy fondly oink
like pigs in a poke.

January 21, 2009


cheap or not so cheap,
do we see a graceful glide
towards fat bailout?

January 20, 2009

Goodness! What happened today???

putting in new prez;
a call for financial arms
stumbles through wall street.

January 15, 2009

alarms for hsbc?

when those dear pallies,
flag markets with drummed sighs, you're
prey to their sulking.

January 14, 2009

helicoptering mo' cash for BofA

digestion pains rise,
but truth be told t'was fo' sho'
harsh pill to swallow

January 13, 2009

little sales for AIG.

weights are tipped with care,
fulcrum strains ever so hard
to balance see-saw.

January 12, 2009

a corner is turned.

black financial ram
scorns ewe BS, pray this year
has greener pasture.

January 9, 2009

MS' interesting discussion for the weekend.

a hasty scramble;
to inhale plump brokerage
or huff over price

January 7, 2009

when will the recession leave us?

long night's hangover,
slouched on by hair of the dog
may still dizzy us.

January 5, 2009

deutsche enters the jumping castle.

pitter pattered feet,
strike up clear white grains on a
lovely sandy beach.

January 3, 2009

blergh, why'd we fall for bern

familiar flirt,
a love of small, kindly gains,
breeds strong malcontent

a fresh 09

old horrorscopes cast;
consumating promises,
swelling balance sheets